2020 Annual Report

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KCI 한국투자공사 로고


Investing for

a Sustainable


Message from the CEO

KIC는 지난 해 미증유의 글로벌 팬데믹 위기에도 불구하고 우수한 투자성과를 기록하였습니다. 앞으로도 KIC는 기민하고 탄력적인 혁신투자로 최고의 성과를 창출해 나갈 것입니다.

Dear Readers,

2020 was a milestone year for KIC marking the 15th
anniversary of our founding. So before we turn the
page and start looking back, I’d like to begin by saying
thank you.

Investment Highlights

  • USD 183.1billion

    (KRW 200 trillion)

    in net asset value
  • USD 71.0billion

    (KRW 77.2 trillion)

    in accumulated gains
  • 13.71%
    Return on
    total assets in 2020
  • 8.96%
    Annualized return
    for the past 5 years
  • 14.62%
    Return on traditional
    assets in 2020
  • 7.70%
    Annualized return since
    inception for alternative

Vision & Mission

빙하 이미지
설립목적 이미지
비젼 이미지
미션 이미지
전략 이미지
빙하 이미지
설립목적 이미지
비젼 이미지
미션 이미지
전략 이미지


정부와 한국은행, 공공기금 등으로부터 위탁받은 자산의 운용업무를 효율적으로 수행하여 금융산업 발전에 기여
(한국투자공사법 제1조)


To support the development of the domestic finance industry by efficiently managing national assets


Increase long-term returns
Stronger asset allocation and investment capabilities
Responsible investing
Preemptive risk management system
Support the domestic finance industry
Overseas investment leadership
Cooperation with domestic finance industry
Engage in responsible management
Better organizational and performance management
Enhanced internal controls and transparent management
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    Support for the
    Domestic Finance Industry

    KIC helps boost the competitiveness of Korea’s finance industry by sharing our global investment knowhow with the domestic financial market.

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    Social Contributions

    KIC strives for a future where everyone can be happy.

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    Global Network

    KIC is sharpening its competitive edge by building strong partnerships with major sovereign wealth funds, pension funds and other global financial institutions.