Korea Investment Corporation2023 Annual Report

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Key Figures

KIC was established in 2005 under the Korea Investment Corporation Act. As of December 2023, we had assets under management of USD 189.4 billion (KRW 246 trillion), with cumulative net investment income of approximately USD 77.9 billion.

Following a principle of diversification, KIC invests 78% of its portfolio in traditional assets including global equities and fixed income, and the remaining 22% in alternative assets including global private equity, real estate, infrastructure, and hedge funds. We build a balanced portfolio across geographies and assets.

Return on total assets

(Unit: %)

최근 5년간 운용자산 수익률을 제공하는 표
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Annual return
before expenses
2019 : 15.39 2020 : 13.71 2021 : 9.13 2022 : -14.36 2023 : 11.59
Annual return
after expenses
2019 : 15.21 2020 : 13.52 2021 : 8.94 2022 : -14.46 2023 : 11.44
annualized return
2019 : 5.60 2020 : 6.13 2021 : 7.50 2022 : 4.68 2023 : 4.92
Annualized return
since inception
2019 : 4.60 2020 : 5.22 2021 : 5.47 2022 : 4.12 2023 : 4.54
Total AUM USD billion 2019 : 157.3 2020 : 183.1 2021 : 205.0 2022 : 169.3 2023 : 189.4
10-year annualized return

KIC has achieved consistent and stable returns within appropriate risk limits. Since inception, we have consistently delivered returns above inflation.

AUM and returns
AUM and returns
Asset allocation in 2023
Asset allocation in 2023

(Unit: USD billion, %)

Asset allocation in 2023
Category Net asset value Weight
Traditional Assets Equity 742 39.2
Fixed income 59.8 31.5
Subtotal* 147.7 78.0
Alternative Assets Private equity 17.9 9.4
Real estate, infrastructure 17.7 9.4
Hedge funds 5.3 2.8
Subtotal* 41.7 22.0
Total 189.4 100.0

* The subtotals include other assets such as inflation-linked bonds and cash.

Assets allocation compared to the previous year
Assets allocation compared to the previous year
Return on traditional assets

The return on traditional assets in 2023 was 14.35%, -6 bps compared to the benchmark

Return on traditional assets
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Annualized
for the past
5 years
Total Return% 16.62 14.62 6.75 -17.58 14.35 6.10 4.63
Excess returnbp 33 144 -39 -52 -6 10 15
Equities Return% 27.52 19.16 18.61 -19.27 22.44 12.24 5.55
Excess returnbp 6 261 -92 -137 -13 -7 -12
Fixed income Return% 7.53 9.88 -4.62 -16.65 6.34 -0.02 2.59
Excess returnbp 73 78 39 14 14 42 31
Return on alternative assets

Annualized return since inception: 7.83%

(Unit: %)

Return on alternative assets
Category Inception Annualized return since inception
Private equity 2009. 09. 16. 9.57
Real estate, infrastructure 2010. 03. 15. 7.19
Hedge funds 2010. 01. 29. 5.40
Total for alternative assets 7.83

* Total includes commodities (Categorized as traditional assets since April 2011)

Benchmarks for each asset class
Benchmarks for each asset class
Asset class Type Benchmark
Equities Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index ex Koreaunhedged
Fixed income Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index ex KRW ex Koreaunhedged
Inflation-linked bonds Bloomberg Barclays Global Inflation-Linked Bond Index
Cash ICE BofA Merrill Lynch 3-Month US Treasury Bill
Private Equity Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index ex Koreaunhedged + 2%, 3 months lagged
Real estate, infrastructure G7 inflation rate + 4%, 3 months lagged
Hedge funds BofA Merrill Lynch 3-Month US Treasury Bill + 3.5%, 1month lagged

* Private debt has been managed as a separate asset class since January 2024. (Benchmark: Morningstar Global Leveraged Loan Index + 1.25%, 3 months lagged)

Investments by region

Based on the market value of traditional assets as of the end of December 2023

Investments by region
List of invested countries

(As of the end of December 2023)

List of invested countries
Equity & fixed-income investments Greece, South Africa, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, United States, Belgium, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, United Kingdom, Austria, Israel, Italy, India, Indonesia, Japan, China, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Chile, Qatar, Canada, Colombia, Kuwait, Thailand, Peru, Portugal, Poland, France, Finland, Philippines, Hungary, Australia, Hong Kong
주식, 채권 투자국
Equity investments Jersey, Turkey주식 투자국
Fixed-income investments Guernsey, Latvia, Romania, Lithuania, Macau, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Cyprus, Argentina, Iceland, Andorra, Estonia, Uruguay, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Croatia, Panama
채권 투자국