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We diversified our investment strategy with a long-term perspective and expanded partnerships with top global investment institutions. In short, we continued striving to become a leading sovereign wealth fund.

We diversified our investment strategy with a long-term perspective and expanded partnerships with top global investment institutions. In short, we continued striving to become a leading sovereign wealth fund.

We diversified our investment strategy with a long-term perspective and expanded partnerships with top global investment institutions. In short, we continued striving to become a leading sovereign wealth fund.



KIC manages sovereign assets with an honest and fair system, as well as ethical and transparent management, faithfully fulfilling its social responsibility for the future of Korea.

KIC manages sovereign assets with an honest and fair system, as well as ethical and transparent management, faithfully fulfilling its social responsibility for the future of Korea.


With advanced investment management strategies befitting its status and responsibilities,
KIC efficiently manages national assets and is fast becoming a globally leading sovereign wealth fund.

With advanced investment management strategies befitting its status and responsibilities, KIC efficiently manages national assets and is fast becoming a globally leading sovereign wealth fund.