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Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission Vision & Mission


  • To manage assets entrusted by the Korean government, Bank of Korea and public funds and contribute to the development of the domestic finance industry (Korea Investment Corporation Act, Article 1)


  • To grow sovereign wealth as a leading institutional investor you can trust


  • To support the development of the domestic finance industry by efficiently managing national assets


  • Increase long-term returns

    Stronger asset allocation and investment capabilities

    Responsible investing

    Preemptive risk management system

  • Support the domestic finance industry

    Overseas investment leadership

    Cooperation with domestic finance industry

  • Engage in responsible management

    Better organizational and performance management

    Enhanced internal controls and transparent management

Our Future Our Future

Our Future


  • Respecting individual talent and expertise
  • We respect the expertise of our employees, who come from diverse backgrounds, through talent-focused management.


  • Embracing innovation and change
  • We seek continuous growth through ongoing innovation and change.


  • Unified through a healthy corporate culture
  • We strive for unity through a corporate culture of mutual trust and respect.


  • Setting global SWF standards
  • We aim to set the standard for investment expertise and returns for sovereign wealth funds globally.


  • Preparing for Korea's future
  • We prepare for Korea's economic future through increasing sovereign wealth.
Management Philosophy & Investment Philosophy Management Philosophy & Investment Philosophy

Management Philosophy

    Performance Management
  • Pursuing efficient management and employee innovation & growth
  • Generating the best results with the best talents
    Ethical Management
  • Building a system of integrity and fairness
  • Securing the trust of sponsors and the public
    Happiness Management
  • Creating a workplace of respect, consideration and fun
  • Generating positive synergy among employees

Investment Philosophy

    Investing for the long term
  • Investing with a long-term perspective to achieve high returns amid short-term market volatility
    Investing based on intrinsic value
  • Identifying undervalued opportunities through systematic valuation
    Investing based on thorough risk screening
  • Staying a step ahead in risk management for investment targets and investing only after thorough risk screening