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Investment Overview

  • First entrusted with USD 1 billion in 2006, KIC has consistently expanded its operating scale through stable and capable management. Our assets under management (AUM) at the end of 2021 totaled USD 205 billion on the back of excellent investment performance, marking a 12% increase from 2020.

    Following a principle of diversification, KIC manages a portfolio that is 82.5% traditional assets and 17.5% alternative assets, including private equity, real estate, infrastructure and hedge funds.

    The AUM of our alternative assets, which have a low correlation with traditional assets and pursues relatively high returns, grew 29% (USD 8 billion) to USD 35.9 billion, corresponding to their growth in portfolio weight from 15.3% in 2020 to 17.5% in 2021.

Asset Allocation (2021)

Asset Allocation (2021) Asset Allocation (2021)
  • Assets under management 205.0 USD billion
  • Alternative Assets USD 35.9 billion
  • Traditional Assets USD 169.1 billion

* “Other” refers to inflation-linked bonds, cash, hybrid securities, etc.

Asset Allocation (2021)
NAV Weight
Traditional assets Equities 83.2 40.6
Fixed Income 71.6 34.9
Other* 14.3 7.0
Subtotal 169.1 82.5
Alternative assets Private equity 15.7 7.7
Real estate & infrastructure 13.4 6.5
Hedge funds 5.5 2.7
Cash equivalents 1.3 0.6
Subtotal 35.9 17.5
Total 205.0 100.0

Asset allocation compared to the previous year

KIC has increased investments in alternative assets to achieve stable long-term performance. Alternatives accounted for 17.5% of the total portfolio in 2021, up from 15.3% the previous year.

2021 Asset allocation compared to the previous year 2021 Asset allocation compared to the previous year


  • Equity : 42.7%
  • Fixed income : 35.2%
  • Alternative assets : 15.3%
  • Other : 6.8%


  • Equity : 40.6%
  • Fixed income : 34.9%
  • Alternative assets : 17.5%
  • Other : 7.0%

As new Covid-19 infections began to wane with vaccine rollouts in major developed economies in early 2021, increased consumption following economic reopening and large-scale economic stimulus across countries raised recovery expectations, leading to higher risky asset prices. But supply chain bottlenecks caused by the sudden post-pandemic increase in demand and supply shortages, as well as concerns around inflation due to rising prices for commodities and more, increased global financial market volatility. While stocks remained overvalued, improved corporate performance and earnings drove a rise in stock prices. On the fixed-income front, bond yields rose (and bond prices fell) on upward inflationary pressures and economic recovery trends.

Stock prices on the MSCI World Index rose 16.8% and indices in major regions excluding China also closed higher than they did at the beginning of the year. Bond prices on the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index rose 4.7% due to lower base rates and increased asset purchases.

KIC recorded an annual return of 9.13% in 2021 through actively responding to changes in the financial environment and effectively using its global investment and crisis management capabilities. Assets under management increased by USD 22 billion, from USD 183.1 billion at end-2020 to USD 205 billion at end-2021. Our five-year annualized return was 9.94% and our annualized return since inception, 5.47%.

Assets under management by year

(USD billion)

Assets under management by year
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total assets* 115.8 136.7 137.1 161.3 188.1
NAV 134.1 131.6 157.3 183.1 205.0
Cumulative net investment income 34.1 29.0 49.2 71.0 87.9

* Previous year-end NAV + investments in 2021

Net asset value (NAV)

(USD billion)


Return on total assets

KIC’s return on total assets in 2021 stood at 9.13%, with a five-year annualized return of 9.94% and an annualized return since inception of 5.47%.


Return on total assets
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Return on total assets (before fees) 16.42 -3.66 15.39 13.71 9.13
Return on total assets (after fees) 16.26 -3.80 15.21 13.52 8.94
Annualized return since inception 4.45 3.76 4.60 5.22 5.47

Return on traditional assets

The return on traditional assets in 2021 was 6.75%, -39 bps compared to the benchmark.


Return on traditional assets
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Annualized return for the past five years (’17-’21) Annualized return since inception
Total Return 16.71 -5.64 16.62 14.62 6.75 9.46 5.67
Excess return (bp) 129 -81 33 144 -39 32 22
Equities Return 25.50 -9.55 27.52 19.16 18.61 15.39 6.41
Excess return (bp) 122 -71 6 261 -92 39 -1
Fixed income Return 8.00 -1.32 7.53 9.88 -4.62 3.73 3.76
Excess return (bp) 72 -13 73 78 39 48 33

Return on alternative assets

Annualized return since inception: 8.83%


Return on alternative assets
Inception Annualized return since inception
Private equity 2009. 09. 16 11.33
Real estate & infrastructure 2010. 03. 15 7.76
Hedge funds 2010. 01. 29 5.64
Alternative asset total* 8.83

* Total includes commodities (categorized as traditional assets since April 2011)

Benchmarks for each asset class

Benchmarks for each asset class
Asset class Type Benchmark
Traditional assets Equities Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index ex Korea (unhedged)
Fixed income Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index ex KRW ex Korea (unhedged)
Inflation-linked bonds Bloomberg Barclays Global Inflation-linked Bond Index
Cash ICE BofA Merrill Lynch 3-Month US Treasury Bill
Alternative assets Private equity Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index ex Korea (unhedged) + 2%, 3 months lagged
Real estate & infrastructure G7 inflation rate + 4%, 3 months lagged
Hedge funds BofA Merrill Lynch 3-Month US Treasury Bill + 3.5%, 1 month lagged